Regular Trustee Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Special Meetings may be held with a 24 hour notice (Put on the door of the Township Hall and the LED sign in front of the building.)
Pierpont Township rules of procedure to encourage public participation
Whereas, Town Hall meetings with time set aside to hear citizen voices, concerns, frustrations, ideas, solutions, comments and observations provide trustees with opportunities to gather additional facts and opinions that can guide decision making associated with the business of the township; and allow for informed debate and sharing of differing perspectives.
Whereas, township trustees have authority to adopt rules of order to be followed in the conduct of meetings. The president (or chair) of the board of township trustees may enforce a time limit on the amount of time allotted for public participation at a regular meeting, including time limits for individual speakers, provided the president (chair) exercise such authority in accordance with the board's rules for meeting procedure. The board of township trustees may cause any disorderly person to be removed from such place of meeting; and if necessary be confined until the close of the meeting. Constables shall obey the orders and directions of the board for the purpose of preserving order at such meeting. ORC 505.09
Be it resolved that Pierpont Township establish the following rules of procedure during public forums or comment sections of a public agenda as follows:
1. Public comments will be accepted from individual residents and speakers representing groups of residents in both written and verbal presentation forms;
2. Speakers must clearly state their name and address prior to presenting their comments;
3. Speakers are to avoid repetition of the same information; a written statement may
be submitted to the trustees to ensure key information is documented in the public record;
4. Speakers are asked to be succinct and limit their verbal presentation to three minutes. The speaker may request additional time and the chairperson has the authority to grant or deny additional time;
5. The chair makes decisions of procedure, subject to the U.S. Constitution and federal law, the state of Ohio Constitution and state law, and the township charter which override any procedural meeting rules the trustees may adopt;
6. The chair enforces decorum and proper conduct.
7. These rules of procedure will be posted on the Town Hall bulletin board.
(adopted Jan 22, 2019)
Access to the meeting minutes are available on our OneDrive shared folder:!Ali9Z40XBg1AhmpQxunwMjJVoqK-
Note, this link may ask for a Microsoft logon if you use other Microsoft services, but a sign-on is not required (use an "Incognito/Private" tab to get around this if need be).
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